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Announcing Hera: The Lost World

After 7 months developing, our game Hera:The Lost World is finally shipped. I can't wait for you to play it!

The game is available on, follow the link to download:

If you have any suggestions feel free to post comments below the download page.


HERA: The Lost World is a third-person action adventure game. Players will explore three unique areas full of enemies, traps, and puzzles.

You will get a Rune Compiler at the beginning, use it to interact symbols in the environment.

The world is full of danger, only the bravest and smartest can make it to the final boss.


'W', 'A', 'S', 'D': move

Left Mouse: Attack

Right Mouse: Defend/Aim

'E': Sheath weapon/ Use berry

'1', '2': Change weapon

'3', '4': Change arrow

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